Audio Video

audio video calgary

High quality audio video is important to any project, and can provide an unforgettable experience when they are used together.

We make it simple to turn on your favourite playlist throughout your home.  Whether you want to stream music from your phone or tune in to your preferred streaming service online, our solutions always deliver an easy to use and reliable experience. From indoor speakers, outdoor audio experiences or high quality movie theatre sound, we have customizable options that will impress. And when it’s time to watch your binge-worthy show or movie all it takes is one button press.  Your control system will turn on all of the components, switch inputs, adjust volumes and hit play automatically.  If you can press one button, you can operate these systems. Many clients want the technology solution but don’t want to see any boxes or wires.  In these cases we relocate all of the “black boxes” to a central hidden location that you can control with your mobile device or touch panel.

We work closely with our clients to plan out the perfect audio video system to fit their needs.  Whether you use your speakers for listening to the news or throwing great dance parties, we’ve got you covered.